Artist Community
An avid artist 🎨 himself, Anthony has tirelessly worked the annals of social media and local venues to build a community of supportive artists, which oddly enough, began after his two oldest daughters began to exhibit a knack for art, which was a talent Anthony gave up 20 years prior. Coming back full circle, his hopes is to launch social engagement encounters that pair seasoned creatives, designers, illustrators, and artists with individuals who are ready to grow their abilities from stick figure drawings to proud content creators. These events will
- Provide all supplies
- Available both virtually and in person
- Energetic and supportive atmospheres
Stay tuned for future events

Canvas Rebel Interview
We were lucky to catch up with Anthony Mitchell recently and have shared our conversation below.
Anthony, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Learning the craft is often a unique journey from every creative – we’d love to hear about your journey and if knowing what you know now, you would have done anything differently to speed up the learning process.
I began exhibiting art skills as early as five. Didn’t really know that my “drawing abilities” were a real “thing” until my art teacher told me I was good at it. At that point, doodling and scribbling were something we all did in class to stay busy, and with me not knowing any artists, never saw myself as one. From that moment, and with countless hours poured into my craft, I finally have gotten comfortable sharing my passion for art. The biggest area of acceleration that I would have embraced, would be to have taken actual art classes. Before the days of YouTube, I didn’t have access to alot of “how – to” materials, which would have impacted my growth tremendously.
The biggest skills that I feel every artist must possess begin internally. How confident are you? Confidence is necessary, because you won’t nail every project the way you desire. Can you rebound and forget your last scrapped project? The second skill is your level of commitment. Find what you inspires you the most and build your niche there. Last, but not least, constantly challenge your abilities so that you’re always growing as an artist.
For me, I always loved drawing comic book characters with pencils, because it was what I was most comfortable with. As I’ve started growing, I’ve been challenged with replacing what I’m comfortable with, with new techniques, new products, and new ideas. They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks…well that has been my greatest challenge‼️
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Anthony Mitchell Jr, and I am the host of The Endzone Club Podcast platform (available on all platforms).We have conversations aimed at helping young people go from “having potential” to fulfilling their purpose. By having conversations that are wrapped around “things that we wish we knew when we were younger,” we aim to help as many young adults find their purpose, and live fulfilled lives. In addition, I am.a freelance artist who devotes his free time to family, youth ministry, military, & community service.
Alright – so here’s a fun one. What do you think about NFTs?
NFTs appear to be the new wave of tommorrow. I haven’t gotten my hands into them yet, but I’ve been watching alot of creatives on IG.
How did you build your audience on social media?
Social media, though powerful, is a resource my generation is still learning the significance of. In my journey, the biggest two tips that I have learned…well let me say three is 1) post consistently, 2) learn algorithms for whatever social media platform you will market on. Algorithms basically teach you the best times to post, to get the most out of your offerings & 3) be creative! Post what you are passionate about, but pay attention to what your target audience loves versus what they like‼️
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